This is the seventh in a series of posts, one for each day, of an incredible 2-week volunteer & adventure trip to Costa Rica I took in December 2022. I wasn’t sure this trip would happen, but luckily it did.
After one last stop at Turtle Trax, we loaded into the van and made our way to Monteverde, located northeast of Playa San Miguel in the mountains. The map says over three hours, but It took a little over 5 hours, with a few stops along the way. We had bingo to keep us occupied & of course, lots of singing & laughter to make the time go by.

hola Monteverde
When we arrived in Monteverde, you could feel the temperature drop as we exited the van. The mountain air was so clean & refreshing! After a bit of shopping to stretch our legs, we enjoyed a delicious lunch. Back in the van, we climbed. We were going to make a stop before getting to our rooms.

hummingbird gallery
I have never seen so many hummingbirds in my life! And so big. Just incredible.
After getting situated & settled in our rooms, some of us went to town to explore. We went to a really cool restaurant called the Treehouse, which was an actual treehouse! Since we had a late lunch, I wasn’t that hungry, so I got a mouthwatering margarita & a salmon carpaccio appetizer for dinner. So delicious! Then off we went to explore this great little town of unique shops, restaurants & cafes.
What a fabulous (but long) day! Time to get some rest because tomorrow we are going ziplining.
Thanks again to my travel mates for letting me use their photos & videos to supplement mine.
I hope you enjoyed my volunteer & adventure trip to Costa Rica, day 7, Monteverde. If you missed day 6, click here. To catch up from the beginning, day 1, click here.
Pura Vida ❤️
Until the next adventure, my friend!